Real-Time Currency Exchange Easily Calculator
USD - 4,350.00 MMK | EUR - 4,715.00 MMK | SGD - 3,310.00 MMK | THB - 128.21 MMK | MYR - 1,000.00 MMK | JPY - 29.22 MMK | CNY - 598.00 MMK | WON - 2.98 MMK | GBP - 5,610.00 MMK | AUD - 2,755.00 MMK | CAD - 3,030.00 MMK | NTD - 132.00 MMK | AED - 1,185.00 MMK | INR - 49.96 MMK | HKD - 561.00 MMK | MOP - 544.00 MMK |

Currency Exchange Rates Explained

In currency exchange, the buying price refers to the price at which a financial institution or currency exchange service purchases foreign currency from you. This price is typically lower than the selling price, as it accounts for the profit margin the institution expects to make. On the other hand, the selling price is the price at which the institution sells foreign currency to you. This price is usually higher, reflecting both the cost of acquiring the currency and the institution’s markup. These prices fluctuate based on market conditions and demand for the respective currencies.

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